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Showing posts from September, 2020

what is difference between job and business (should you do job or business)?

Every person on this earth  has to work to put food in their plates and well as to feed their family.  Their are two basic legal ways of earning money are to doing job or by doing business. Job is where you work for  other person . You offer them your services and you get a fixed amount of money in return.  While on the other hand in business you create your own products and sell them in market. Business could be as low as to fulfill your daily needs and as big as to live a luxury life . A large amount of money can be generated in a short time period . Luxury house and lifestyle are dream of everyone and these can't be fulfilled just by doing job only .  (Job or business) Now the question is who should do a job and who should do a business.  To do a business and to  grow a business are two different things .  To be in this field a peson shlould have an entrepreneur mindset . A creative mind and with a big bunch of creative thoughts wil...

Power of belief(the frog and the swan)

Belief have a big impact on your lifestyle or in simple words we can say that your lifestyle is the reflection of your belief.  Anything you think you will start becoming on every single passing day. If you will keep yourself motivated and thinking positive about your goals u will find yourself soon on the track of happiness and success , it will be applicable in both personal and professional life . It is also recommend to you that you make sure that you give positive feed  to your mind.  People many times find themselves stuck in one place only in their life like in a job . But this is all due to their beliefs that in actual they don't give their mind the guts facing the change. Their is a story that might give u a good explanation about belief.  Once upon a time there was a swan who used to live in a sea . Once he had to travel to a place for some work . He was flying in the sky while he find tired himself and thirsty . He saw an well and he went down ...